Dracula 2

Learning it and seeing and going over the highlights, I do really like Dracula. I found it very interesting. Though, I was not to fond of the ending. I needed Dracula to wake up and make it a fight. For that split second I was rooting for Dracula. All together it was good in my opinion. Wish it did not end that way, that ending got me. Dracula is what it seemed in my head, the big ugly vampire that is mean, who is seductive and has three different wives, oh and that cannot go out into the sun without turning into dust. That about wraps him up in my opinion. If i did not know the ending of the book, I might of actually read the whole thing.

By amandacopeland17


I obviously do not know much about vampires. I like twilight and stuff like that to know much about Dracula. What I do know about him though is that he is the first original vampire and is not the sweet Edward Cullen that I know. Plus Dracula does not sparkle or is nice and drinks animal blood to satisfy his hunger.  There is a huge difference between vampires then on his age and now. After reading Dracula, I think it was a good story, even though I just know the highlights of it. I needed the big nice action packed ending though. That is the part I did not like.

By amandacopeland17

Dorian Gray

Like Dorian Gray, we try to escape all the things that make us human like; age, waste, sin, and retribution. We try so hard to look young, especially us women. We do Botox, wear a ton of makeup, use anti-aging creams, and even when it is totally inappropriate, a bunch of women like to wear clothes that do not fix, too young looking, and too uncovered for their age. Eeeckkkk! Hey, some men do it too. Sin is another thing we like to escape from. Many people go out do whatever they want to do come Friday and Saturday, but best believe they are going to ask for forgiveness from what they did just the other day come Sunday. All this is our modern way of being kind of like Dorian Gray. There is like a bunch of crap that I could try to explain who each and every way we are like Dorian Gray, but I am just going to cut it off here. (:

By amandacopeland17

Monster Movie

I accidentally skipped this blog, but I do not really have a favorite monster movie. If I could think of one it would probably be like Wrong Turn. The only reason why I say that one is because I feel like I could be driving down a back road, late night, ops I miss my turn, boom I am dead and eaten by some weirdo. I mean you never know with people, like who is coo coo and who is not. I think people are the scariest monsters because they could be fine one minute to your face then the next minute they are going nuts. Plus people lie and you always have to expect the unexpected with people.

By amandacopeland17


I would not want to be invisible. Thinking about it, it all seems fun and well, but reading into the story, it sounds horrible, like who would ever want to be invisible. I would hate not eating what I wanted because you could see it threw me, having to put something over my eyes just to sleep, and having to not talk because I am trying to have people not to notice me. Though if I was invisible, I would probably use it for bad to be honest. Really, what good would it be if I could not get rich over it and have the things I wanted? Though I would definitely prefer to be visible that invisible.

By amandacopeland17

The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

It’s like who would not want to live a double life? You could have your cake and eat it too. In the story The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, Jekyll gets exactly what he wants. He gets the nice reputation of the good doctor, lives well, but then at night does all the things a “good doctor” could not do. I think this story has been around for so long because it shows how even the best of people have bad tendencies. It is the double life story, which has good vs. evil. The themes in this story have what anyone else could want, an outstanding reputation among other people, but a way a person could skip that and do the bad deeds that they really desire without looking bad.

By amandacopeland17

What I learned about the Victorians

I learned that the victories are actually not that different from us today, especially with the new technology. During that Victorian era, their technology was growing faster than they would keep up with. That is like us today. We buy a new phone, and next week there is a newer version of the phone we just bough. The Victorians had so much new things which actually lead them into a recession. Though things are better now, who knows where they will be in the next twenty years. The Victorians thought at the time everything was going great, then it all went downhill. That could be like us today in modern time.

By amandacopeland17

Ending to Great Expectations

It is actually hard for me to say which ending I like better, just because they both end like kind of open. If I had to choose I think I would prefer the movie’s ending. I like to think that Pip and Estella end up living happily ever after, but of course thanks to Mrs. Vance and the way she makes me look at things, I know that the two of them ending up together is a load of crap. The books ending leaves it kind of open too. I think Dickens should have wrote a sequel to the book. Either way I like both. I like the movie better because I actually saw it in motion, did not have to read it. I do wish it did end with them showing they were together just because the fact that I know that it really would not work out between the two.

By amandacopeland17

Crime and Punishment

During that time, I think some of the Schedule crime and Punishment was just taken too far. Like if you stole like an apple, your hand was cut off. That i have to say is way too harsh, I can not believe some countries still do that. If I lived then and had no money I would probably want to steal too if I was desperate enough to eat. Some of the crime though was crazy, like the murders and stuff. Guess it was extremely more easier to get away with it then than it is now. The only thing I am happy about is that I do not have to worry about the things that they did. Living then was just too hard. I could not take any punishment they would give me. Plus their jails and hulk ships were gross and no air conditioning. Too much for me.

By amandacopeland17

The characters.

I actually like Estella and Pip. I like them together. As much as I would like to not like Estella, I can’t. I do like how she was straight up with Pip and told him it is never going to happen. As for Miss Havisham, girl just needs to stop. Getting dumped happens every single day, needs to put on her big girl pants and get over it. but oh, Joe and Mrs. Joe. they are sweet, I really like them. Joe is really nice and such a hard worker, do not like when Pip was mean to him though, made me not like Pip for a while.

By amandacopeland17